
Introduction to Crystals Workshop

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If you would like to schedule a presentation of this workshop in your area, send us a message through the Contact page.

Are you curious about crystals and how they can be used to enhance your life? This workshop will focus on the fundamentals of crystals and crystal healing. Learn how to choose crystals and stones to work with; methods for cleansing, clearing and charging; the basics of intention setting and programming; how to use crystals in your daily life; and the healing properties of 8 essential crystals. Presented by Cindy White.

To register for a workshop Email or text 217-549-0798.

Energy and Your Personal Vibration

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If you would like to schedule a presentation of this workshop in your area, send us a message through the Contact page.

Everything is energy! Each of us also has a personal energy field. This energy field holds within it the patterns of the thoughts we think, the emotions we experience and the actions that we take. Explore the science of vibrational energy and how the human body integrates and discharges energy. Understand how negative unconscious mental programming interferes with a healthy flow of energy in the body and learn simple ways to raise your personal vibration. Presented by Cindy White.

To register for a workshop Email or text 217-549-0798.

Using Crystals in Powerful Combinations

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If you would like to schedule a presentation of this workshop in your area, send us a message through the Contact page.

Whether you want to prioritize your health or attract new love into your life, there is a mix of crystals that can help. Individual crystals can be very potent, but using combinations of crystals greatly enhances the healing properties of the stones and supercharges their energy, making it easier to achieve powerful results. During this presentation, we will discuss how to combine compatible crystals for a wide variety of intentions and purposes. We will also look at those crystals that don’t work well together and how to identify signs that crystal combinations are not working for you.

This class is for anyone interested in learning more about crystals, but a basic knowledge of crystals and crystal care is recommended. 

Presented by Cindy White.

To register for a workshop Email or text 217-549-0798.

Masterclass: Creating Crystal Grids

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If you would like to schedule a presentation of this workshop in your area, send us a message through the Contact page.

Individual crystals are incredibly powerful and beneficial, but sometimes you need more help. When you combine the energy of multiple crystals, the result is even more powerful. Crystal grids work by harmoniously combining the subtle energy of several crystals along with sacred geometry, numerology and personal intention. The grid focuses your intention to help powerfully and quickly manifest your desires, goals and intentions. Join us as we present a step-by-step guide to creating a crystal grid and learn how and why grids work. A variety of examples will be shown. This class is for anyone interested in learning more about crystals, but is best suited for individuals with a basic knowledge of  crystals. 

Presented by Cindy White. 

To register for a workshop Email or text 217-549-0798.

Manifesting Magic with the Moon

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If you would like to schedule a presentation of this workshop in your area, send us a message through the Contact page.

The moon is a powerful entity that we can use to improve our lives. Each phase of the moon’s cycle brings with it special energy that we can tune into and enhance various aspects of our day to day lives. Working with the phases of the moon is a simple, practical and effective way to manifest your biggest dreams and release the things that you no longer need. Presented by Cindy White, Certified MoonologerTM.

To register for a workshop Email or text 217-549-0798.

Full Moon Forgiveness Ceremony

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If you would like to schedule a presentation of this workshop in your area, send us a message through the Contact page.

Full moons have forever been a mystical time for connecting with the Divine Feminine. Full moons represent the culmination of energy, fruition, completion and celebration, as well as a time for forgiveness and releasing all that does not serve us in order to pave the way for a whole new cycle. Each Full Moon “shines a light” on an area of our lives that we need to bring into balance. Join our Sacred Moon Circle for this special ceremony led by Cindy White. Multiple handouts will be available to download to use during the ceremony.

To register for a workshop Email or text 217-549-0798.

New Moon Wishing Ceremony

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If you would like to schedule a presentation of this workshop in your area, send us a message through the Contact page.

The New Moon offers us a time of hope and an opportunity for new beginnings. It is a time for embracing new projects, ideas, plans, thoughts, relationships and the changes we wish to invite into our lives. Learn to tune into the magic of the moon each month to set powerful intentions at the beginning of the new lunar cycle to bring about meaningful change in your life. Join our Sacred Moon Circle for this special New Moon Wishing ceremony led by Cindy White. Multiple handouts will be available to download for use during the ceremony.

To register for a workshop Email or text 217-549-0798.

Meditation for Beginners

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If you would like to schedule a presentation of this workshop in your area, send us a message through the Contact page.

Join us for this introduction to meditation. Learn about the many benefits of meditation and leave with practical tips for starting your own meditation practice. Explore the various types of meditation and practice different techniques to learn which type is best for you. Suitable for beginners or anyone who would like a refresher. Presented by Cindy White.

To register for a workshop Email or text 217-549-0798.

Activating Your 5D Chakras

Click HERE to see when this workshop is scheduled.
If you would like to schedule a presentation of this workshop in your area, send us a message through the Contact page.

During the Cosmic Moment on December 21 2012, our planet and everyone living on it underwent a massive energetic shift and began what is known as the Ascension Process. When this shift happened, the frequency of our chakras and energetic fields also shifted and we received the goldprint for the higher frequency 5D Chakra Column. Learn about this amazing ongoing process and how you can align yourself with the higher energies and move more easily through your life. Presented by Cindy White.

To register for a workshop Email or text 217-549-0798.

Decode Your Destiny with Numerology

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If you would like to schedule a presentation of this workshop in your area, send us a message through the Contact page.

Numerology is simple to learn, easy to understand and amazingly accurate. This fascinating study of numbers  uses your name and birthdate to give you a clearer perspective into your natural talents, skills, gifts and abilities. During this hands-on class, you will create a personal numerology profile and calculate your core numerology numbers. Find out who you are, your life purpose and destiny, how others perceive you, where your life will steer you in the future, your talents and abilities, and the vibration you project to the world. Also learn about the variety of ways that numbers can be used and applied to your advantage in your everyday life. Presented by Cindy White.

To register for a workshop Email or text 217-549-0798.

Lightworkers, Starseeds, Earth Angels... who are they and could you be one too?

Click HERE to see when this workshop is scheduled.
If you would like to schedule a presentation of this workshop in your area, send us a message through the Contact page.

At this time there is a literal army of Lightworkers on the planet to assist with the ascension from the 3rd Dimension to the New Earth 5th Dimension. They have come from magnificent places throughout the whole Multiverse to shine light in the world, raise the vibration of humanity and to be of service. More and more people are waking up every day and many understand that they too are lightworkers and have a mission to accomplish. If you are drawn to attend this presentation, you are probably a Lightworker and are ready to begin your journey. Learn all about these beautiful souls, the important work they are doing on Earth and discover if you are one too. Presented by Cindy White. 

To register for a workshop Email or text 217-549-0798.

Navigating the Shift to the 5th Dimension

Click HERE to see when this workshop is scheduled.
If you would like to schedule a presentation of this workshop in your area, send us a message through the Contact page.

During the Cosmic Moment on December 21 2012, our planet and everyone living on it underwent a massive energetic shift and began what is known as the Ascension Process. Through this process we will all raise our frequencies and transcend our current way of living. Earth has now transitioned from the 3rd to the 4th dimension portal and continues to slowly shift upward. The next decade will be a period of enormous change with plenty of chaos and uncertainty. Everyone will be affected by this process.  This presentation offers practical advice on how to navigate these extraordinary times and successfully make the shift to the New Earth. Presented by Cindy White. 

To register for a workshop Email or text 217-549-0798.

tracking the phases of the moon

Click the three links below to track the Phases of the Moon

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Wedding Officiant

Cindy White is a duly ordained minister of the American Marriage Ministries. As an experienced event planner, she can help make your special day fun and memorable. Together, she can help you write your wedding vows and plan the perfect day. She is empowered to solemnize your marriage in accordance with your personal beliefs. All kinds of ceremonies and venues are possible. E-mail for more information.